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Student Results

Read what our students have to say about the program

Lindsay Guest

"I feel ready to talk to banks without feeling completely clueless"

The program gave me the confidence to start investing by myself. So far, I have closed my life insurance policy and opened a new investment account. I also feel more knowledgeable and ready to talk to banks without feeling completely clueless....
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I love how the course is constantly updated and truly empowers us to take charge of our financial futures. Absolutely recommend, I think all women need this!
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Lindsay Guest

Gentilino, Switzerland

Valentina Accili.

“I acquire assets that not only combat inflation but also produce passive earnings"

Now I feel like I can see clearly while before I was running in the dark. I was just putting my money in a 0% interest savings account, letting it lose value day by day. I’m now taking action and invest to acquire assets that not only combat inflation but also produce passive earnings...
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I am now knowledgeable about choosing which assets to buy, unlike before when I had no clue how to pick an ETF. I really enjoyed the journey together. The way the topics are explained in an objective manner, with useful personal insights, is fantastic. It's very practical, enabling students to start taking action. The material is concise and incredibly useful. It has inspired me to do more on this topic in my life.
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Valentina Accili

Munich, Germany

Renata Pollini

"Aysha can simplify very complex things, so it's easy to understand"

I had concerns about finding time to watch the course and how practical it would be, but it turned out great. I appreciated the possibility to get my questions answered in the Q&A calls. Aysha's way of simplifying very complex things made it all easy to understand...
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While I'm still working on my financial journey, I've already opened an investment account, started to invest, and have a solid plan in place. The course is well-structured and fantastic to follow.
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Renata Pollini

Oberägeri, Switzerland

Featured Story

Invest At Rest

"I took concrete action right away"

This program exceeded my expectations. It is easy to understand and follow, with applied examples and nothing purely theoretical. Right away, I took concrete action by calculating all of my bank fees and closing two accounts, saving hundreds. I then did a thorough audit to understand where my money was going...

Now, I feel more financially savvy and can comfortably discuss my investment strategy with finance professionals. The confidence and peace of mind I’ve gained are invaluable. This course has been a true game-changer for me...

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I’ll show you how to build a well-diversified investment portfolio that fits your specific situation using our time-efficient 4-step system.

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Hellen Black

“It helped me better understand investment products. "

This program has given me a solid foundation of investment knowledge which I can now build on. I appreciated how easy it was to access and work through, with a clear and logical presentation...
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It simplified my approach and helped me better understand investment products.
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Helen Black

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Olesya Meier

“Beautiful presentations and helpful demos! "

The program arrived at the right time, and I registered the same day! I have opened an investment account, made my first investment, and set up monthly transfers...
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Now, I am much more focused on financial planning and optimization for my family rather than taking it easy. I am also becoming a more conscious consumer, minimizing unnecessary spending, and investing what I have. The presentations are visually pleasing, with the right amount of information, and I love the structure that starts with addressing concerns and then dives deep into each topic. Aysha is a great presenter who uses real-life examples, showing us that we all have similar worries. The demos and additional materials, like lists of books, resources, and lists of ETFs, are very helpful. A huge thanks to Aysha and Fanny for all the hard work!
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Olesya Meier

Lausanne, Switzerland

Anke de Poorte

“I now know what I have and where I'll stand when I retire"

This course is life-changing for me. I now really know, to the eurocent, what I have, where I'll stand when I retire, and how my income will change over the years. I've made an expense tracker, created an investment plan and calculator, and opened an investment account...
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I even consider buying a second property for my daughter. The attention to detail is extensive, up to date, and comprehensive, which I love. I now look totally different and confident at all my financials.
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Anke de Poorte

'T Zandt, Netherlands

Francesca K.

"The hands-on approach with practical tips and the list of investment platforms with filters made it a no-brainer to get started"

Despite having studied engineering and having done so much in my life, investing was something that I always felt ignorant about. Now, after completing the program, I feel much more confident and prepared to take control of this part of my life. The hands-on approach with practical tips and the list of investment platforms with filters made it a no-brainer to get started...
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I also appreciated the discussions about mindset and how to involve children. The regular updates and overall view provided in the Q&A sessions are incredibly valuable. This program is eye-opening, especially for women who often feel incompetent in this field. It has truly given me the confidence to move forward with my investments.
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Francesca K.

Francesca K.

Brussels, Belgium

Sara F.

“Aysha's review about investment platforms was so helpful"

Despite juggling a busy schedule, I'm so glad I joined this program. My mindset (and my husband's) has completely changed about investment platforms, saving vs. investing, risk-taking, the stock market, and pensions...
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We both have opened new accounts and decided to close a few. We feel much more in control of our financial future. And Aysha's review of investment platforms and the insights on commission fees helped me understand there are better options out there and explained how these fees work, which I was clueless about before. The overall style of the program was fantastic—it focused only on useful and practical aspects of financial decisions without overcomplicating things. It was easy to follow, engaging, and well-organized.
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Sara F.

St-Gallen, Switzerland

Regina Vogel

“I simply switched from analyzing and procrastinating to doing"

The biggest impact Aysha's program had on me was that I switched from analyzing and procrastinating to taking action. I have now invested in ETFs that are sustainable and gender balanced...
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I am already doing the same for my mother, helping her escape expensive guidance. I found the short overviews of investment options very useful, as they meet principles of sustainability and gender equity and are available in Europe. This narrowed down my choices and helped me overcome my analysis-paralysis to finally invest. This program was the perfect nudge with the European-focused information I needed to get into the groove of investing.
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Regina Vogel

Dublin, Ireland

Lavinia Walker

"The section for American expats was invaluable! "

Initially, I was very skeptical about the course I saw advertised on Facebook. But after seeing Aysha's TED Talk, I was convinced. I always knew I needed to pay attention to my finances, and this course gave me the final push...
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Since joining, I've made a budget, discovered I have a pension from the US, closed unnecessary bank accounts, reduced fees significantly, and, most importantly, started investing. I liked Aysha & Fanny’s energy, the modules were clear, and the US Section was invaluable. The course was very well structured; you've done an incredible job with it. I cannot wait to see what's next!
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Lavinia Walker

Geneva, Switzerland

Chetna P.

“The logical investing method taught by highly experienced Aysha made all the difference"

Before joining the program, I wasn't sure how the knowledge of investing in stocks and shares would be delivered in a simple way. I used to think only experienced investors could invest in stocks, shares, and ETFs...
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Now I’m sure that I've made a very sound decision. I have a regular savings plan set up as a direct debit, and I've even started investing for my daughter. The logical and simplistic method of investing taught by highly experienced Aysha, along with regular support from lovely Fanny, made all the difference. I only wish I had started in my 30s. Thank you so much to Aysha and Fanny for helping me take the best decision for my life and future.
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Chetna P.

London, United Kingdom

Valerie F.

“I spend about 30 minutes each month managing my portfolio"

I joined the program because I wanted to manage my finances with confidence. After completing it, I was confident enough to reorganize our finances and transfer our investments to different platforms...
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Now, I have a clear strategy in place and spend about 30 minutes each month checking how much I can invest, allowing me to be flexible while still sticking to my plan. I really appreciated the mix between the theory (like understanding what ETFs are) and the practical aspects of which platforms to use and their pros and cons. And btw, I feel the price was very fair for all that we got out of the program.
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Valérie F.

Zurich, Switzerland

Ricardo Yoshioka

"The different topics were very well explained to understand what, why, and how to do it"

I feel confident in what I'm doing now and have a sense of control over my future. The course covered all the different topics on investing and retirement planning very well, making it easy to understand...
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what actions to take, why they are important, and how to do them. The community support for specific questions was incredibly helpful. I've been recommending it to my colleagues, especially other expats working for a global company.”
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Ricardo Yoshioka

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Raphaelle F.

“I loved the freedom to watch the sessions when I have time and space"

I am much more confident in my investment decisions and financial outlook, and I have become more aware of my spending and budget so that I can invest the rest. The program helped me feel more in control of my various accounts...
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...such as my pension and bank accounts, by encouraging me to go back and rearrange them for long-term decisions. One of the standout features for me was that we are free to watch the sessions when we have time and space. I found real and relevant research behind the approach, which is uniquely focused on women and expats in Europe. The live Q&A sessions, where we could ask specific questions, provided a great balance and were incredibly helpful. I wish I'd known this material 10 years ago.
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Raphaelle F.

Morges, Switzerland

Garima Pandey

“The calculators and resources are fantastic"

Financial planning has been brought back to the foreground for me. The calculators and resources included in the course are fantastic and very helpful. For anyone absolute beginners to investing, this course is an excellent choice...
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Garima Pandey

Konstanz, Germany

Cornelia Wolfenstadter

"I felt understood with my busy life and could make decisions without falling into analysis paralysis"

I completely changed my entire financial life with this program. Before, I felt insecure and avoided taking action because I didn't want to make mistakes. Now, I feel confident and...
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... make decisions based on knowledge. I loved the short videos and the self-paced learning format, and it's great that it's a family company. I felt understood with my busy life and appreciated the encouragement to make decisions without falling into analysis paralysis. This helped me get into action. I've already recommended the course to many women, especially those who lack transparency in their financial lives and don't think about their pensions”
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Cornelia Wolfenstädter

Zurich, Switzerland

Invest At Rest

"The structure is well designed with resources for different learning styles"

After taking the course, the difference in our financial lives is monumental. My husband and I now consider assets as part of our wealth and scrutinize every cent we spend...

We've become more conscious about our spending and set clear short-term and long-term goals.

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Tanja Bugmann

“The best was the possibility to ask questions without being judged"

Despite having a reduced salary due to short-time work, I found great value in the program. The Q&A sessions stood out to me, as they provided a safe space to ask questions without being judged...
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The program is very professionally done, and I now encourage all the women in my network to learn to take control over their finances.
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Tanja Bugmann

Basel Area, France

Caroline Gueissaz

“It's a one-time effort that is so satisfying and definitely worth it"

I realized that what I paid for the program was clearly much less than what I used to pay my old banker every year. The professionalism of everything Aysha and Fanny do is incredible...
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I appreciated the videos, the downloadable lists, and especially the monthly Q&A sessions, which guided me along the way. It's a one-time effort that is so satisfying and definitely worth it for anyone who has money.
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Caroline Gueissaz

Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Ruth Frey

"Clear presentations and the member area to ask questions about individual situations"

The program made me more confident about managing my finances. I appreciated the clear presentations, the community, and the Q&A calls where I could ask questions about my individual situation...
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It's very hands-on and concerns everybody. I now plan to review some of the lessons and ask more questions during the calls to continue to sort out my finances. Thank you.
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Ruth Frey

South of France

Carina Rodrigue

“I loved everything: the personal approach, the questions at the end of the sessions, the Excel sheets for calculations, etc"

Initially, I worried that I would not learn enough to start investing right away, and that it might be just theory with no practice. Now, I have more confidence in my financial decisions...
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...and feel like I know what I'm doing, even beyond the super simple stuff. I loved everything about the program: the personal approach, the questions at the end of the sessions, the Excel sheets to do the calculations, etc. It truly is a must-have for any woman residing or planning to work in Switzerland. Taking this course has been one of the best decisions I've made in a long time.
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Carina Rodrigue

Diessenhofen, Switzerland

Lea Muller

“The program is very concrete and gives easy steps to start investing"

I was worried the program might be too theoretical, but it turned out to be very action-oriented. It provided very concrete and easy steps to start investing, which was exactly what I needed...
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I opened an investment account and transferred my 3a into it. I also started another investment account, adding CHF 5000 and setting up CHF 400 monthly payments. Plus, it was always easy to ask questions during the Q&A sessions.
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Lea MĂĽller

Zurich, Switzerland

Fran Fischer

"The program has helped me tackle what I once saw as a "monster I don't dare to touch"

When I first heard about the program, I knew it was exactly what I needed. I had no hesitations, just wrote an email to get the course outline and signed up immediately after the quick reply...
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The program has helped me tackle what I once saw as a "monster I don't dare to touch." Now, I have a step-by-step plan that I'm in the midst of executing, and I feel in control. One thing I liked very much was having both Aysha and Fanny available for answers and support. They make a great power duo. The Q&A sessions and the course platform were also excellent.
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Fran Fischer

Berlin, Germany

Sandrine P.

"It's great to get guidance tailored for Switzerland and other European countries"

After seeing the free webinar, I was convinced to join the program, and it turned out to be just what I needed! I finally started investing properly and it's great to get guidance tailored for Switzerland and other European countries...
Read More most resources out there are very US-oriented. The program helped me create a plan and set standing orders from my bank accounts to different investment platforms. I'm no longer afraid of investing. The community was very helpful too, especially since I couldn't participate in the live sessions. The program really encourages practical application and provides concrete tools. Aysha is always available to answer questions, and everyone can find the subject that interests them.
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Sandrine P.

Canton of Valais, Switzerland

Natalia B.

"The monthly calls are amazing and help digest the large amount of information provided"

I was unsure if I would understand the content and be able to start investing. Now, I am more conscious about my money and the way I handle it. The program's structure and information presentation are excellent...
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The monthly calls are amazing and help digest the large amount of information provided. Additionally, the opportunity to connect with other investors in the community for support is invaluable.
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Natalia B.

Lörrach, Germany

Kate B.

"The aspects of expat financing discussed are very unique and highly relevant"

The program helped me become less fearful of looking at my financials. One of the best features is that I can go back to the material anytime I feel I need a refresh and to access the new program content...
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The aspects of expat financing discussed are very unique and highly relevant”
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Kate B.

Toulouse, France

Ready to invest with knowledge and confidence?

I’ll show you how to build a well-diversified investment portfolio that fits your specific situation using our time-efficient 4-step system.

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The information made available on our webpages, social media accounts, events and training material of any kind and related communications is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice, crypto-asset advice nor any kind of financial, tax or professional advice. Read the Terms for further important disclosures. Every investment involves risk, especially with regard to fluctuations in value and return. Information on past performance, where given, is not prediction or a guide to future performance.